Juliet Cottrell

Portrait of Juliet Cottrell holding flowers

The 2023 Drama New Zealand President’s Award goes to someone I have known since 2015. They have a passion and enthusiasm for drama and are equally at home in the classroom as they are in a research or presenter role both at National and International conferences.

More recently I have seen her work first hand with students in the classroom with ‘Everyday Theatre,’ organise our Primary Conference, and got to know her at the Hawkes Bay support for teachers workshops. She is a passionate drama practitioner and leader in the Drama community. A committed member of the Drama New Zealand whānau, this year my President’s award goes to Juliet Cottrell.

The following are citations from Juliet’s Drama colleagues from around Aotearoa and overseas.

I first met Juliet in Australia. I was attending the national conference in Hobart as an individual and felt quite alone as I walked in one day-one. Peter O’Connor introduced me to Juliet who announced she was a New Zealander and for the rest of conference she was there to include me at breaks and ensure O was not alone. This action epitomises Juliet and her warm embracing nature that sees her open to sharing both herself and her mighty knowledge of our curriculum area and all facets of teaching. Juliet always has her hand up offering new ideas and ways to share our mahi. She has worked tirelessly alongside Charles and Judy as our OG primary literacy and drama facilitator and continues to do so in her way which is professional, warm, nurturing and fun. A truly deserving recipient
— Emma Bishop
I met Juliet, yes, on Zoom, as I became involved in the Primary Mentoring Project. Juliet has done a great job setting up our Project and as one of the mentors ,I immensely enjoy working with her. Her energy, passion and enthusiasm are definitely infectious and her support of others affirming. Juliet and I both have small businesses supporting learning through drama. We represent an example of the diversity in our Drama NZ memberships that adds strength to our faith, hope and belief in drama as a learning medium.
— Evelyn Mann
Wonderful news! A few words: Juliet is a beautifully skilled teacher. She works empathetically and with care. Her contribution nationally and increasingly internationally to drama education has been truly significant. The TRCC course in Wellington a number of years ago was one of the very best conferences I have ever attended and much of that hinged on Juliet’s vision. Juliet so thoroughly deserves this recognition for a lifetime of working in and through drama to improve the life chances of young people. Well done friend.
— Peter O’Connor
Juliet has worn many hats and carried many handbags in drama circles around the motu. She has worked as a teacher, director, actor, mentor, organiser, and presenter. In DNZ we have particularly appreciated her contribution as an organiser and mentor teacher in the primary NEX project. In Wellington, Hawkes Bay, and Nelson, she has watered the seeds of drama in teachers’ practice so that literacy classrooms can be more engaging and fun. Juliet has been committed and resourceful in sharing her expertise and experience in practical ways, which has included building relationships with all and sundry. She has also presented the project and its findings to colleagues here and far away. Our primary classrooms can be lively and challenging, especially for a visiting expert. Juliet is a good sort, and has been just the woman for the job. Hats off!
— Charles Bisley
Juliet Cottrell has had a long and productive association with Kelburn Normal School. She has contributed to and developed teachers’ knowledge and practice- increasing their capacity to engage their students in literacy and to assist them to achieve greater success as writers, by building process drama strategies into their literacy programs. She began this mahi with us in 2017, running engaging staff PLD on drama processes. In 2019 & 2021, she worked as the mentor teacher with individual teachers in the Drama NZ ‘Networks of Expertise’ Literacy project. Juliet has an engaging and affable manner with kaiako. She gives valuable feedback when working with them, whether they are new to drama or old hands, and grown their motivation, confidence, and enjoyment in making and using connections between drama and literacy. I have personally enjoyed working with Juliet over her association with our kura.
— Danielle Sanders
Juliet is a true master of teaching artist. Her practice encapsulates everything it means to be a brilliant teacher artist in our field. What’s most inspiring about Juliet is her unwavering commitment to nurturing and cultivating young artists. Her collaborative and warm nature ensures that everyone she works with is enriched by the experience. As a practitioner, her work is thoughtful, creative and original. Being in one of Juliet’s workshops is like receiving a warm hug. She welcome you in, you receive a pat on the back, you feel safe and able to relax, and you leave feeling so much better about the world and your place in it. It’s a gift. It’s truly wonderful to see Juliet’s contribution to Drama Education being acknowledged. Bravo!
— John Saunders
Congratulations Juliet on this richly deserved award. Your contribution to drama in both NZ and Australia is immeasurable. How do I know this? I have been with you as you have engaged pre-service teachers within university courses...you were outstanding. I have been with you when you have worked with classroom teachers (especially primary and early childhood teachers) and you were inspirational. I have accompanied you on your journey as a researcher and watched as you sought to understand your data and make sense of applied theatre. Your work was comprehensive, thoughtful and significant. Most importantly I’ve seen you work with children...and it is here where your true artistry has shone through. You are an artist teacher researcher of the highest order and I am delighted to be able to offer these words of support for my good friend and colleague.
— Professor Julie Dunn - Australia
Judy Norton mentions that at a face to face she was in awe of their wealth of knowledge, experience and connections. Their time together was filled with robust conversations and laughter. They have been integral to the success of our NEX Primary Drama and Literacy project, involved since its inception. One Mentee that worked with this person have said, ‘Watching this person model for me gave me the self belief that I could run this myself in my own class.’ Judy feels privileged to call her a colleague and friend.
— Judy Norton
I first met Juliet at a conference where she was presenting her Masters Research. I was immediately struck by her commitment, knowledge and passion for process drama, and its potential. Through my involvement with the DNZ pilot programme I had the privilege of collaborating with Juliet and saw how she inspired teachers with her modelling, planning and advice. People who don’t know Juliet well may not be aware how completely she has committed her professional life to drama and to work with, by, and for young people. Aside from her work with DNZ, and Everyday Theatre, the incredible work she and husband Peter have done with the Hawkes Bay Youth Theatre - through high quality classes and performances - have earned her a well-deserved reputation in the arts community in the region, across Aotearoa and beyond. Juliet has a lot of strings to her bow - she’s also a lovely, positive soul with great energy - and it’s great to see her contributions acknowledged today.
— Viv Aitken
Well I have never had a guest teacher burn a hole in my cloak bay carpet but Juliet, my kids and I managed to do that when we were burning the messages we wrote related to her Paradise Island Unit. I’d give Juliet a 9/10 for her spectacular dance moves to stomp out the inferno as it melted our very nasty plastic cloak bay carpet. Bringing drama to life should be her logo.
— Jane Speers

This next piece is an acrostic poem written by Sam Bates:

J - Jet Setting across NZ and the globe sharing their Drama wisdom
U - Unique red glasses frames and warm smile greet us on Primary Drama zooms
L - Loving and caring practitioner making a positive difference to the lives of tamariki and rangatahi
I - Incredibly generous with their time and sharing ideas with others
E - Encouraging mentor to many teachers
T - (a) Treasure in NZ Drama education


Salesi Le’ota


Dr Viv Aitken