Dr Viv Aitken
I met Viv quite early on in my time with Drama NZ at conference. She had a warm engaging smile, and struck me as welcoming and knowing.
Vivien Smith described her as “Dedicated, ambitious, empathetic with the qualities of a true visionary and in a quiet, humble and unassuming way is relentlessly going about changing the world for the better.”
A few years later whilst they were working at the University of Waikato, I worked with Viv on the National Conference “Te Kore” of which she was the conference chair. In this role Viv knew what they wanted and how she wanted the Waikato Branch, Drama NZ and the University to be represented including having strong links to manawhenua.
Over the years Viv has worn a number of hats for the association including being Branch Chair, Regional Rep on the National Executive and was a founding member of the editorial team of the association’s research ejournal, the New Zealand Journal of Research in Performing Arts and Education: Nga Mahi a Rehia.
Peter O’Connor reminds us about her tireless advocacy for children. And it was through this dedication to children that we have seen their commitment and belief in the amazing works of one of their mentors former Patron of NZADIE, Dorothy Heathcote.Following Dorothy’s footsteps, Viv is well aware that she sits in a custodial position of service and has dedicated her life to grappling with Dorothy’s methodology of Mantle of the Expert. Dorothy handed Vviv the manuscript with the words “this is my current understanding of Mantle” She has then studiously taken on the mahi of the taonga. Fascinated by the power and possibilities of Mantle (Dramatic Inquiry) she has developed the methodology to encompass even deeper understandings, reflect current times and resonate for us in our own unique context of Aotearoa and our national curriculum.
This dedicated journey has seen them educate, encourage, and cajoled Primary School teachers throughout New Zealand into taking up the cause on their behalf. With the support of international educators, Viv continues to generously give up her time not only to run associated Mantle workshops for teachers at Drama New Zealand conferences, and plan her own International Dramatic Inquiry Summer and Winter Schools and Symposiums but also to write extensively about the work. It is hardly surprising that her work has been published by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Viv has been a mentor to many, quietly listening and encouraging. Those fortunate enough to encounter her and her work are aware that she is relentless and has the rigor and respect of an academic platform without ever having lost sight of the practical application and realities of the classroom.
“I met Viv several years ago, at their summer school post grad paper on mantle of the expert. I was there because I was sent by my principal, not because I believed in the pedagogy. My mind was quickly changed thanks to her enthusiasm and knowledge. Since then, she has been a great cheerleader and supporter of everything I have done. Viv is both a mentor and friend to many, someone who helps teachers transform their teaching and supports them through a wide range of leadership opportunities.”
“Viv has been part of our Knighton whānau since her own children attended our kura. Now, working alongside her as our PLD leader on our journey with Dramatic Inquiry has always felt like a coming home of sorts. For the last 3 years, Viv’s enthusiasm to embrace our focus of understanding and exploring Aotearoa’s critical histories from a Te Ao Māori perspective as well as a culturally diverse perspective using Dramatic Inquiry was transformational for all of us. We value deeply every moment of wairua, kōrero, ako and manaaki that we continue to experience when working in partnership with Viv.”
“Viv was one of the first drama educators I met outside of Taranaki in 2006 after arriving in Aotearoa from the UK and that she is responsible for my huge drama growth spurt- or at least a deepening understanding of just what it is that helps to shape us into effective, ethical and critical teachers. On more than one occasion she has stunned me with her humility.”
“I have so much love for this incredible mentor. Viv has been instrumental in my development as a drama educator and her quiet, yet passionate work is inspirational. Her dedication to the pedagogy of Mantle of the Expert has energised many of our Drama NZ colleagues and we are truly blessed that she has made Aotearoa her home and shared her present understandings’.”
“Viv is a meticulous planner who then also knows how to teach inside the moment.”
“Whilst small in stature Viv is no less of a lofty mountain than Dorothy herself. We are so fortunate to have her as our own genius educator in NZ.
Whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe, me he maunga teitei.
Seek the treasure that you value most dearly, if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain”
“Teach the children. We don’t matter so much, but the children do. Show them daisies and the pale hepatica. Teach them the taste of sassafras and wintergreen, the lives of the blue sailors, mallow, sunbursts, the moccasin flowers. And the frisky ones– inkberry, lamb’s quarters, blueberries. And the aromatic ones– rosemary, oregano. Give them peppermint to put in their pockets as they go to school. Give them the fields and the woods and the possibility of the world, salvaged from the lords of profit. Stand them in the stream, head them upstream, rejoice as they learn to love this green space they live in, its sticks and leaves and then the silent beautiful blossoms. Attention is the beginning of devotion.” Gaenor sent that extract from Mary Oliver and said … Viv has taught the children, put peppermints in their pockets…but has also taught so many of us, too. We have mattered greatly to her. Viv’s capacity to encourage the beautiful detail of theatre in our drama teaching, and to pay attention to the possibility of the world is so valued. She has enabled us to stand in streams, and to head upstream, all the while rejoicing in the authenticity of learning. ”
So, without further ado - It is with great pleasure that I award my last Drama NZ President’s Award to Dr Viv Aitken.
Thanks to Gaenor Brown, Whakarongo Tauranga, Renee Downey, Peter O’Connor, Vivien Smith, Susan Battye and Annette Thomson for their contribution to this citation.