Salesi Le’ota

Portrait of Sales Le'ota

The 2024 President’s Award goes to someone I have known ever since I have been going to conferences. Many of the citations for this person have come from kaiako who either met this person at a Drama NZ conference or online. 

Emma Bishop noted that this person has been a mainstay of Drama NZ conferences for as long as she can remember and their friendly smile is such a welcoming part of our trade area, whilst throughout the year their commitment to sharing New Zealand scripts with kaiako sees them answering many questions without hesitation.

They are, in the words of Lisa Simpson, “extremely supportive, kind and proactive.” Lisa says It’s the being listened to that has mattered most to her.

Kimberley Fridd noted “They are extremely knowledgeable, helpful, and always ready to suggest great titles to try with our rangatahi”

Teresa Callaghan describes this person as “ a complete ray of sunshine!” She said they “always have energy and their face lights up when they reconnect - a gift in itself! Not a hint of panic that another crazy Drama teacher is heading towards them for a hug.”

Teresa noted that this person “helped this long-in-the-tooth teacher to read new work and think outside the box which has been such a blessing. Their knowledge of Theatre Aotearoa is immense and needs to be seen as a national treasure. Teresa has been fortunate to see a few of the works they have produced and acted in - and says “They not only possess incredible skill and talent but also have the remarkable ability to forge an instant connection with every member of the audience which is such a joy to watch.

She loves bumping into them, getting big hugs and sharing wines at many play evenings and opening nights. And naturally, on occasion, indulging a bit too generously in libations, sharing laughs, and engaging in some spirited banter at quite a few Drama Conferences. She says the next wine is on her!

And finally Murray Lynch and Isaac Martin said “This person ran the extra mile (not that anyone would ever imagine them running) to supply advice and practical steps for including scripts from Aotearoa into the classroom either for study or production. They were the ideal conduit between Playmarket and teachers and everyone’s favourite person to catch up with at the annual conference”

This person’s contributions to the world of theatre have been immeasurable and we are thrilled to know that theirr mahi will continue to inspire and nurture the next round of theatre practitioners at Toi Whakaari. They have been the go to person for drama kaiako nationwide for decades. A valued member of the Drama New Zealand whānau, this year my President’s Award goes to Salesi Le’ota

Personal responses:

What I can say about Salesi Le’ota is how much drama teachers look forward to chatting with him at our Drama NZ Conferences. He is extremely knowledgeable, helpful, and always ready to suggest great Playmarket titles to try with our rangatahi.
— Kimberley Fridd
I have always found Salesi to be extremely supportive, kind and proactive. It’s the being listened to that has mattered most to me. I am so glad that Theatre Aotearoa has it’s deserved place in the sun and that all of the mahi that has been done at Playmarket to support writers, directors and producers will be strengthened into the future- especially in a climate where it feels like the ground is being eroded a little from under us.
— Lisa Simpson
Salesi has been a staunch supporter of drama in schools and his relationship with teachers has been much valued during his time representing Playmarket. He ran the extra mile (not that anyone would ever imagine him running) to supply advice and practical steps for including scripts from Aotearoa into the classroom either for study or production. He was the ideal conduit between Playmarket and teachers and everyone’s favourite person to catch up with at the annual conference. He was also the ideal book table necromancer increasing sales several-fold each year. We can’t thank him enough for his commitment and dedication.
— Murray Lynch and Isaac Martin
Sal - Where to start about this complete ray of sunshine?!? They way he always has energy and his face lights up when we reconnect is a gift in itself! Not a hint of panic that another crazy Drama teacher is heading towards him for a hug. Salesi has been for many but definitely my go to man for anything play related for what seems like decades! Even more recently when it wasn’t his job as such anymore he was the one I bothered with random demands for ideas with specific cast sizes, themes, even just the mood I felt like for a play to suit my students. The simple fact is he always came back with a list of great ideas. Helping this long in the tooth teacher to read new work and think outside the box has been such a blessing. His knowledge of Theatre Aotearoa is immense and needs to be seen as a national treasure.

The support he gives the NZ Theatre scene and individuals is immense - to have had someone like him at the heart of a company like Playmarket for all these years has been a blessing to our community.

I have been fortunate to see a few of the works he has produced and acted in - especially his fab roles during his reign over the pop up globe stage! He not only possesses incredible skill and talent but also has the remarkable ability to forge an instant connection with every member of the audience. Such a joy to watch. I love bumping into, getting those big hugs and sharing wines with him at many play evenings and opening nights. And naturally, on occasion, indulging a bit too generously in libations, sharing laughs, and engaging in some spirited banter at quite a few Drama Conferences.

The fact he is now turning all these skills to help support the growth of akonga at Toi is fantastic. When he told me he had landed the role I think I stood there for a moment with my mouth wide open and then may even have punched him a few times in complete excitement! His knowledge, skill base, experience and passion for theatre is contagious - what an absolute treasure Toi and the students have gained in Sal!

Salesi’s contributions to the world of theatre have already been immeasurable and we are blessed to know this impact will be felt for a long time to come - Mālō ‘aupito for all you have done Salesi - what a perfect person for this year’s President’s Award! Sal - our next wine is on me!
— Teresa Callaghan
Salesi....Salesi has been a main stay of Drama NZ conferences for as long as I can remember - apart from one year when he was first in the PopUp Globe. His friendly smile is such a welcoming part of our trade area at conferences whilst throughout the year his commitment to sharing New Zealand scripts with kaiako sees him answering many questions without hesitation.
— Emma Bishop
Salesi has attended more DNZ conferences than most of us. Year after year he has been a reassuring presence - always friendly and knowledgeable - at his desk behind an increasingly expanding line -up of Playmarket publications. His role in promoting a range of NZ scripts has encouraged drama teachers to introduce students to fresh, contemporary scripts, especially by Māori and Pasifika playwrights. Salesi is particularly skilled at proofreading and editing, making a helpful contribution to the DNZ theatre form resources on NZ, Māori and Pasifika theatre. He has a range of talents - not only as a widely-read authority on plays in Aotearoa but also as a talented actor. He may claim to be the only Tongan popping up to play Polonius professionally in that royal play,’ ‘Hamlet’. This year he was performing with style in the Pop-Up Globe Sky City Theatre productions of ‘Twelfth Night’ and ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Malo, Salesi, you are a Pacific orator - on stage and at your desk. Thank you for your generous contribution to our Mahi Whakaari!’
— Hilari Anderson (DNZ Life Member 2013)

Juliet Cottrell