Resource Library
Whakaari Aotearoa's resource library was created by drama kaiako for drama kaiako. It contains lesson plans, activities, teaching units, pedagogy, videos, posters, and wellbeing support for kaiako. While some resources are available for anyone to download, most are exclusively for members.
Rātā and the Waka
A Drama and Literacy resources by Samantha Bates based on the traditional Māori story, Rātā and the Waka, focussing on environmental sustainability and the interconnectedness of all living things.
Mana Moments
This resource, created by Evelyn Mann, for Years 4-8 focusses on understanding mana and exploring the history of Aotearoa.
Exploring Our Emotions through Drama
This resource, created by Kim Snider, using Susan Verde and Peter H. Reynolds’© inspiring picture book, “I am Love: A Book of Compassion” to explore emotions and promote well-being in young learners years 5-8.
Mindfulness Ideas - Primary
Health and Wellbeing for Arts Educators - Mindfulness ideas for the primary classroom, including breathing exercises and activities to promote relaxation and focus.
Stocking the Primary Drama Toolkit
A resource to support Primary teachers using drama strategies in their clasroooms to enhance Literacy learning. This resource includes information and videos demonstrating the drama strategies in action in the classroom. An essential item for every Primary/Intermediate drama teacher's toolkit.
Conversations with Patrice Baldwin
Video interview with Patrice Baldwin (world leading Drama educator, UK) Drama for Writing in the Primary Classroom
A Conversation with Julie Dunn Video
Video interview with Julie Dunn Associate Professor of Drama and Applied Theatre at Griffith University, Australia. De-Mystifying Process Drama in the Primary Classroom
Matariki Resources
A selection of ideas, stories and useful links to learn about Matariki shared by Drama NZ members.
Star Fishes Unit
This drama unit is based on the traditional Māori legend of The Star Fishes. Ākonga are encouraged to explore the characters in the story and the relationships and tensions between them.
I Stand in Memory - Drama Unit
This unit is based on Where I Stand by ©Philippa Werry. The drama encourages students to step into the shoes of various community members and explore past events reflected in this story.
Wonder - Drama Unit
Based on ©R.J. Palacio's Wonder, this drama unit delves into the question, "How do we treat others who are different?" It explores themes of empathy, compassion, acceptance, friendship, and kindness. Best for years 7-8.
Finding the Treasures Within - Drama Unit
This drama unit accompanies Finding, by ©David Hill, which follows the fortunes of two New Zealand families over seven generations and 130 years. Best for years 5-10.
The Well - Video
A story adventure integrating drama, literacy and visual art. Two communities living in a parallel world share a precious resource. This units provides an opportunity to explores themes of treaties and agreements. Best for years 5-10.
Silly Billy - Drama Unit
In this unit, students connect with the character of Billy, a boy who worries, from ©Anthony Browne's Silly Billy.
Rapunzel - Drama Unit
Fairy tales offer rich opportunities for imaginative play. In this unit, students delve into the characters, settings, and plot of Rapunzel, exploring perspectives from Rapunzel herself, the Witch, and the Prince. The unit showcases how drama can be used to inspire and engage learners across various curriculum areas. Best for years 1-2.
Little Kiwi and the Treaty - Drama Unit
Based on the book The Little Kiwi and the Treaty by ©Nikki Slade Robinson, students are encouraged to see themselves reflected in this story and make connections with their own history. The story of the Kiwis can be linked to the wider historical context of Aotearoa NZ and local community contexts.
Intergalactic - Integrated Unit.
"This unit is designed to be a story adventure using drama as the vehicle for learning by integrating drama, literacy, visual art, science and technology. Students are positioned as 'Space Specialists' tasked with helping a character lost in a Solar System. A wonderful interplay between technology and creativity absorbs students into this story. "
Inside Out - Primary Drama Unit
This unit is based on the animated movie Inside Out, by Disney Pixar. It explores the workings of 11-year-old Riley’s mind. This unit allows students to identify with the central character's feelings and relate their own personal experiences to the story.