Resource Library
Whakaari Aotearoa's resource library was created by drama kaiako for drama kaiako. It contains lesson plans, activities, teaching units, pedagogy, videos, posters, and wellbeing support for kaiako. While some resources are available for anyone to download, most are exclusively for members.
Technologies and Assessment
Tips and guidelines for using technology in videoed assessments in a performing arts course.
Digital Technologies Safety and Responsibility
A companion to the guidelines for the surrender and retention of property and searches.
Co-Curricular Ideas
Ideas and considerations for co-curricular activities in a drama department.
Year-10 Assessment Exemplar
A sample assessment document for a drama performance task for Year 10 students based on the poem 'Jabberwocky' by Lewis Carroll.
Reconsideration of Grades
A sample document to assist in the reconsideration of a grade for a student in Drama Class.
Managing Assessment in Drama
This resource assists kaiako in managing assessment in Drama, including the importance of valid and fair assessment, the use of assessment criteria, and tips for managing assessment in junior classes.
Delivering a National Qualification NCEA
This resource provides information on assessment policies, responsibilities, available standards, assessment tasks, and adapting tasks for NCEA.
Planning your Courses
The document focuses on planning courses and teaching and learning programs in a drama department.