Why Study Drama? - Advocacy Films

These short film clips may be used by Drama teachers and Careers advisors at open nights, careers evenings, when advocating for Drama with Boards of Trustees and Senior Leadership teams and in our Drama classrooms with students. Films are downloadable.


Full version video on the importance of studying drama. 6 Minutes 53 Seconds.


Drama NZ Advocacy Trailer - perfect for school socials media and websites. 1 Minute 17 Seconds


Drama NZ Advocacy Reel - perfect for school socials media and websites. 30 Seconds


Drama NZ Advocacy Reel - perfect for school socials media and websites. 15 Seconds



Whakaari Aotearoa would like to acknowledge Elanti Media: https://www.elantimedia.com/ for the production of the ‘Why Study Drama?’ films and to Enny Benzonelli for his work on the posters.

We would like to also acknowledge all the businesses and individuals that contributed to the production of these advocacy resources.

Student Film:

Nadia Officer
Kururangi Wetini
Yani Rutherford
Heather Wright

Whitebait Media                                     Jack Gowans 
Pacific Radiology - Debbie Bourke      
Tavendale and Partners                        
University of Canterbury - Faculty of Law    
The Court Theatre                                


Advocates Film:

Emma Bishop, Prof. Peter O’Connor, Prof. Ursula Cheer, Dr Erin Harrington, Aarleah Ufton-Tangaroa, Marwin Silerio, Campbell Wright


Papanui High School, Jay Grubb

Hillary Moulder


Advocacy Posters


Tertiary Studies Brochure