Sheridan Bell

He Mema o te Rōpū Whakahaere | Executive Member

Nō Uropi ōku tipuna  
Kei te noho au ki Tāmaki Makaurau
Ko Te Kōmiti Takawaenga tōku kura
Ko Sheridan Bell tōku ingoa

Sheridan is a Year 8 teacher at Bucklands Beach Intermediate and Across School Leader for the Bucklands Beach Kāhui Ako. She has been involved with the Drama NZ Literacy Project over the last three years. As well as presenting at the Whakamana, Mana Reo Primary teachers conference in 2023, she co-presented the 'A Dual Approach to Text' workshop for primary teachers in 2024, and was a guest panellist at the latest Drama NZ/Australia combined National Conference. Her resources 'Walking with Giants' and 'Written in the Stars' have been recently released as part of the Whakaari Aotearoa/Copyright primary resource pack. She is looking forward to continuing her involvement with Whakaari Aotearoa Drama NZ in 2025 as a member of the National Executive. 


Anna Turner


Vicki Lambert